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 Potential Topics for "Functional Foods and Healthy Aging" textbook

Editors: Dr. Danik Martirosyan and Dr. Alexander Haslberger

Below are the topics for our upcoming textbook Functional Foods and Healthy Aging. Please consider writing a chapter on one of the listed topics. The deadline for full article/chapter submission is March 31, 2021.

1. Biology of Aging

  • Cell Transplantation and Aging
  • Understanding and Extending the Lifespan
  • Caloric Restriction Significantly Extends Lifespan
  • Genetic Basis of Aging, Longevity, and Disease

    2. Functional Foods Ingredients Market: Bioactive Compounds and Healthy Aging

  • The Relationship Between Aging and Disease
  •  Antioxidants and Healthy Aging
  •  Dietary Fibers and Healthy Aging
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Healthy Aging
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics and Healthy Aging
  • Plant Sterols and Healthy Aging

3. Diet, Nutrition and Older Adults

  •  Current Diets of Older Adults
  •  Bioavailability of Functional Foods in Older Adults
  •  Drug-Nutrient Interactions in Older Adults
  •  Recommended Daily Intakes for Older Adults
  •  Macronutrients for Older Adults

4. Changes in Organ Systems Over the Lifespan

  •  Age-Associated Changes in the Cardiovascular System
  • The Role of Nutrition on Cardiovascular Health and Disease in Aging
  • Skeletal and Muscular Changes in Aging
  • Age-Associated Changes in Taste and Smell Function

5. Chronic Diseases and Aging

  •  Prevalence of Chronic Diseases as People Age
  • Are Chronic Diseases Associated with Aging Preventable?
  • Cancer and Aging
  • Cardiovascular Disease and Aging
  • Obesity and Aging
  • Diabetes and Aging: Overweight and Obesity in Older Persons: Impact on Health and Mortality Outcomes

6. Mental Disorders and Aging

  •  Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Older Adults
  •  Dementia and Functional Foods
  • Schizophrenia and Functional Foods
  • Bipolar Disorder and Functional Foods

7. The Role of Functional Foods in Aging Demographic 

  • Current Look and Future Predictions for Aging Demographic in the US and other Countries
  • Aging and Increased Disease Risk
  • Aging and Increased Health Care Expenditure
  • Potential for Functional Foods to Contribute to Healthy Aging

 8. Gender Differences in Aging

  •  Physiological Differences
  •  Emotional and Psychological Differences
  • Differences in the Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
  • Nutritional Differences

9.  Prebiotics and Probiotics and Healthy Aging

10. FFC's Anti-Aging Strategies: Clinical Studies on longevity

  • Aging as a Pathology: Disease or Not a Disease?
  • Senescent cells: Promising Anti-aging Targets for Health Span Extension
  • Development of Clinical Trials to Extend Healthy Lifespan
  • Targeting Aging with Functional Food Products
  • Exercise Essentials for Healthy Aging

11.  General Topics

  •  The Importance of Protein in Older Adults’ Diets
  •  Effects of Caloric Restriction on Longevity
  •  The Prevention of Sarcopenia in Older Adults
  • Potential of Adult Stem Cells and Cell Replacement in Aging