Product details: Series: Functional Food Science (Book 8) Paperback: 302 pages Publisher: FSP published (August 14, 2020) Language: English ISBN-13: 979-8675209637 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.7 x 11 inches
Price: $245.00. FFC would also like to offer its readers a 50% discount for the two versions of the hard copy book, through the FFC’s website, for 48 hours. Use the code "Corona50%" to receive your discount.
Customer Reviews
*****5.0 out of 5 stars A must have for food scientists in 2020. Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has caused both scientists and innovators to re-think their products in terms of their effect on the overall immune system. How can my functional food or beverage improve immune or overall health in addition to a specific ailment? This textbook goes into explicit detail about the science of functional food in light of COVID and other viral diseases. Scientists may no longer think of their emerging products in a bubble. Accordingly, consumers are increasingly drawn to products that extend their lifespans and improve quality of life.
*****5.0 out of 5 stars Comprehensive and informative. Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2020 This book provides up-to-date information on the pandemic and the potential of functional foods (foods that provide health benefits beyond normal nutrition) to help fight viral diseases. Each chapter has a detailed introduction to the topic to be covered, so it is suited to not only professionals but also those who just started to learn about functional foods like me. This book is well written and well organized. You can't find this much information anywhere else specifically about functional foods and viral diseases.
*****5.0 out of 5 stars "Functional Foods and Viral Diseases" textbook for use during medical school. Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2020 For a student going into primary care medicine, this textbook is invaluable for learning about the intersection of nutrition and health during a global pandemic. Written and citing articles from thousands of experts, it contains all the up-to-date information on COVID-19 and nutrition, including chapters on basic science or food science research, immunity and clinical studies, public health discovery, as well as sociological data. I especially appreciate the numerous diagrams and pictures (helpful for visual learners) as well as the end-of-chapter quizzes to test my knowledge and review what I learned in each section. This will be an amazing and engaging resource for me to learn more during medical school in a pandemic in preparation for my healthcare career.
*****5.0 out of 5 stars. Excellent bookReviewed in the United States on August 24, 2020
This is an excellent book and is very relevant, considering the current pandemic that we are all living through. The 33 expert authors from around the world do a great job of explaining what COVID-19 is, the factors that cause the disease to spread and affect the immune system, and what foods may help people deal with the virus or avoid getting the virus altogether. I think that scientists, medical doctors, nutritionists, food technologists, and public health professionals will appreciate the research that has gone into Functional Foods and Viral Diseases. I also think that students will learn plenty of new information about the complicated relationships involving viral diseases and functional foods. Readers can test what they’ve learned, by taking the thirteen end-of-chapter quizzes.
Urgent Announcements Regarding FFC 29th International Conference
Due to the ongoing global Coronavirus pandemic and the escalating situation between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, the Functional Food Center has decided to make the necessary decision to postpone our upcoming 29th International Conference scheduled on October 8-10, 2020 in Yerevan, Armenia

Dear Readers,
Unfortunately we have decided to postpone FFC29 Int. Conference to 2021. We apologize for any expense and inconvenience this may cause interested participants. Due to the ongoing global Coronavirus pandemic and the escalating situation between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, the Functional Food Center/Functional Food Institute has decided to make the necessary decision to postpone our upcoming FFC's 29th International Conference "Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds for Chronic and Viral Diseases" scheduled on October 8-10, 2020 in Yerevan, Armenia [1]. As you may know, on September 27th, the ongoing tension between Azerbaijan (Population ~ 11,000,000) and Artsakh-Nagorno Karabakh, inhabited by ethnic Armenians (Population ~ 150,000), escalated to military conflict.
Studies have shown a significant uptick in virus infection rates during times of war, such as with the Spanish Influenza during World War II. This link between war and spread of viral disease was mentioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “…World War I, where more soldiers died from the disease than in battle, infected around 500 million globally."[2]. "The deployment of troops during the First World War plausibly contributed to the spread of the Spanish Flu due to intercontinental movement and crowded conditions” [3]. Furthermore, the second wave of the Spanish flu reportedly killed 20-50 million people, while the first wave killed 3-5 million people, meaning that second wave killed 10 times more than the first.[2]
As scientists, and as humans, we need to call on our local governments to act quickly and stop this conflict which will inevitably result in the loss of life and spread of disease. We need to look to our global leaders in the OSCE; France, USA, and Russia, to take real steps to stop this war. Responsibility must be taken, and justice issued for the impulsive decisions that have put these populations at risk.
Our community must do our part and do everything we can to mitigate such impending outbreaks. At the Functional Food Center, we believe that knowledge is the pathway to peace. We are committed to sharing 1,000 copies of our most recent book about COVID-19 to the governments, health ministries, schools, and universities to each of the countries involved or that have the power to resolve this conflict. We are waiving the cost of our book for the purpose of educating these at-risk populations. The book is a collective work of 33 scientists around the globe. For more info about the book click here: https://www. functionalfoodscenter.net/ functional-foods-and-viral- diseases.html
Today we ask our 1.2 million readers (medical doctors, scientists, and others) to reach out to their government officials as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) and demand the end to this war immediately so we can focus our resources on the global fight against COVID-19. To send your message to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO) please use this Email: info@drtedros.com
To view our recent publications related to the COVID-19 and Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds please visit the following links:
Functional Foods and Viral Diseases (Functional Food Science) Paperback – August 14, 2020
FFHD: Functional Foods in Health and Disease: Volume 10, Print Issue 01 - 06 Paperback – September 15, 2020
We will be providing information regarding our future conferences in our next newsletter. For conference suggestions, please contact: ffc@functionalfoodscenter.net.
1. https://functionalfoodscience.net/ 2. https://www.usatoday.com/ story/news/factcheck/2020/04/ 25/fact-check-total-deaths- each-spanish-flu-wave-unknown/ 3024648001/ 3. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/ pandemic-resources/1918- pandemic-h1n1.html
Functional Food Center, Functional Food Institute, Dallas, TX, USA
Email: ffc@functionalfoodscenter.net
web: www.functionalfoodscenter.net