Print copies of FFHD Volume 10, Issues 01-06 are now available for purchase on Amazon!
This paperback book is a semiannual edition of our journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease featuring a compilation of articles that have been published from January to July 2020.
Students and university faculty members interested in learning about the latest research of bioactive compounds, including sterols, minerals, vitamins, as well as their roles in treating chronic and viral disease would greatly benefit from having this as a resource in their personal or university library. Price: $95
We are currently working on publishing a collection of paperback books, featuring semiannual editions of every FFHD journal, dating back to 2011.
Click the image above to view the print version of FFHD Volume 10, Issues 1-6 on Amazon
Get your copy today!
Print versions of single, monthly issues are also available on Amazon for $29
This would also make a great resource for research and studying for students and professors to have available in their university libraries.
It can also serve as a valuable keepsake for authors who are interested in having a print copy of their published research.
Click the image above to view a single issue copy on Amazon!
Currently, there are single issues of Volumes 8, 9 and 10 are available for purchase, but print copies of previous issues are coming soon!
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Published Articles in FFHD and BCHD for October 2020
November 13th, 2020
By the FFC Editorial Team
We are pleased to present the research and review articles from the most recent issues of the FFHD and BCHD journals. Click the "Read Here" buttons below to read about the influence of a food supplement on gut microbiome, the effect of food consumed in the first 1000 days on toddler and infant development, the cognitive effects of malt extract and sucrose on school-aged Malaysian children, and more!
Functional Foods in Health and Disease (FFHD)
Influence of a Food Supplement on the Gut Microbiome in Healthy Overweight Women by Peter Joller, Sophie Cabaset, Susanne Maurer
Read Here
Fasting and fasting mimetic supplementation address sirtuin expression, miRNA and microbiota composition by Stephanie Lilja, Hanna Bäck, Kalina Duszka, Berit Hippe, Lucia Suarez, Ingrid Höfinger, Tewodros Debebe, Jürgen König, Alexander Haslberger
Read Here
How does the food in the first 1000 days affect infant and toddler brain development? by Ksenia Varakina-Mitrail, Yuliya Berezovskaya, Viktoriya Nechaeva, Irina Kholodova
Read Here
Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease (BCHD)
An evaluation of the cognitive effects of malt extract and sucrose in school-aged Malaysian children by Con Stough, Andrew Scholey, Gertrude Gentile-Rapinett, Jeroen Schimdt, Antionette Goh, Keith Wesnes, Marni Kras, Clem Kuek, David Camfield
Read Here
Aging and chronic illnesses: Membrane Lipid Replacement for restoring mitochondrial function and reducing fatigue, pain, and other symptoms in aged individuals by Garth Nicolson, Paul Breeding, Robert Settineri, Gonzalo Ferreira de Mattos
Read Here
We encourage you to visit our journal website, https://ffhdj.com, to read our open access, peer-reviewed articles. If you find anything relevant or valuable to your work, make sure to cite our articles in your own research.
Scopus and Web of Science Citation Updates
As of November 2019, the FFHD journal was accepted into Scopus! You can now view all articles that have been published since 2011 on Scopus. The acceptance into both Scopus and Web of Science show strength of the journal and the authors, as well as help expand the reach of our published articles.
The Functional Food Publisher is calling on our readers to publish articles in our journals as our Web of Science (WoS) citation score has been increasing every month! As of November 9th, the average citation per item has increased to 3.94, and the Sum of Times Cited has increased to 1658. Our self-citation rate of 4.64% has continued to fall over time.
With the continued advancement of the journal over-time we are looking for new editorial bord members! We are looking for those who are actively participating in research and have a good publication score. The main duties of our editorial board members are to publish at least 1 article a year and to help bring articles to the journal from your colleagues to the journal. In addition, we may infrequently call upon you to do a review or to give input on important journal decision. If you are interested please us an email with your resume/CV to our editorial email editor@ffhdj.com.

Print version of FFHD Journal
As we near the end of the year, we are pushing for our readers and past authors to write and submit articles! For all authors who submit an article before the end of the year (December 31st, 2020), we would like to offer one free copy of the monthly print issue that your article is included in! As you may know, we recently brought back our print issues with an even higher quality than before! Currently, we have FFHD’s monthly and semiannual issues from 2017-2020 and are working our way back year by year. To find and order any issue search on Amazon “FFHD: Functional Foods in Health and Disease: Volume # Print Issue #” with the corresponding volume and issue number for the desired article.
Lastly, we would like everyone to know about our proofreading services that we offer! These are designed for both non-native English speakers as well as those proficient in English. With our professional editorial team, we have 2 different levels of service. The first, Advanced Proofreading, allows for a detailed language review of grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. for $40 per 1000 words. We also have a Premium Editing service which offers a more comprehensive language review which also includes help with rephrasing, reorganization, logic, clarify, flow and everything within the premium editing service for only $50 per 1000 words.
Interest in Publishing an Article in FFHD or BCHD?
If you are interested in publishing an article in FFHD, please reach out to our editorial email editor@ffhdj.com to start the process or check out https://ffhdj.com/submissions for more details on the submission process.
Fill out this journal survey to tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your research! Here you can mention if you are interested in publishing research with us and explore the options for how we can assist you if you have been impacted by the pandemic.
Journal Survey