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New Published Articles in FFHD and BCHD
May 11th, 2020
By Charlotte Giordano and Danik Martirosyan
We hope this letter finds you in good health. As the situation with COVID-19 continues to progress, the Functional Foods Center remains dedicated to publishing topical research on how functional foods may address infections and health disorders. Recently, we have published our April issues of the Functional Foods in Health and Disease and the Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease journals including articles with exciting work in the field of functional foods.
Functional Foods in Health and Disease (FFHD)
Effect of oral supplementation with enzymatically synthesized glycogen (ESG) on cognitive function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Ryo Kakutani, Takashi Furuyashiki, Mayumi Hokoyama-Fujita, Kazuko Kato, Hiroshi Kamasaka, Takashi Kuriki

The effectivity of Difructose Anhydride III to increase absorption of calcium in the femur bone of calcium deficient rats by Ainia Herminiati, Rimbawan Rimbawan, Budi Setiawan, Dewi Apri Astuti, Linar Zalinar Udin, Sri Pudjiastuti

Effect of ellagic acid on body fat and triglyceride reduction in healthy overweight volunteers: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study by Yoshiaki Shiojima, Megumi Takahashi, Masayuki Kikuchi, Masanori Akanuma

Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease (BCHD)
Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity is lower in patients with type 2 diabetes in the presence of metabolic syndrome by Manouchehr Nakhjavani, Armin Rajab, Soghra Rabizadeh, Masoume Bitaraf, Azam Ghanei, Alireza Esteghamati, Hossein Mirmiranpour

Caffeic acid: a brief overview of its presence, metabolism, and bioactivity by Anna Birkova, B. Hubkova, B. Bolerazska, M. Marekova, B. Cizmarova

You’re receiving this newsletter because you are a valued member of our academic society and, as such, these published articles and more are available for you to read for free on our website.

Journal Citations

Using Web of Science (WoS), we are able to compile and share detailed reports about the citation of our publications. These reports are very useful because they allow us to track the progress of our journals and understand our impact within the field of functional foods. As seen in the graphic above, the FFHD has been cited over 1300+ times and welcomed over 400 unique publications communicating advancements in functional foods. Our h-index shows that of 14 published articles, other authors have cited them 14 times; this allows us to better understand the productivity and impact that our articles. We are always reviewing and preparing new articles for publication and being able to recognize the success of our articles allows us to understand how our journals are doing.

Over the years, we have measured the reception of our journals and integrated feedback from readers like you in order to improve our outreach. We are proud to see such steady growth and we sincerely thank you for reading our publications and consistently supporting research in functional foods.
We encourage you to visit our journal website, https://ffhdj.com, to read our open access, peer-reviewed articles. If you find anything relevant or valuable to your work, make sure to cite our articles in your own research.
Please also consider submitting articles to either the FFHD or BCHD journal.
Featured Authors
From the data provided by WoS, we can also determine which of our articles are most well received and have the most citations. We are proud to share with you the top five performing articles published in our scientific journals as listed below. Additionally, should you want to read them, we've provided specific links to their abstracts from our open access journals.
This article shows through various antioxidant assays that protocatechuic acid (PCA) has more efficient antioxidant activity in vitro in both liquid and aqueous media than Trolox (a standard antioxidant). Through this research, it was shown that PCA can be utilized as a natural antioxidant in pharmacological and food industry uses.
Amidst the growth of the functional food science field, this article explores the way that definitions of "functional food" have been revised over the past thirty years. Through establishing a new definition for functional foods, this works strives to legitimize functional food science and strengthen the connection between nutrition scientists, the public, and many other groups.
This study demonstrated that flavonoids have the potential to inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme in vitro and also revealed that flavonoids have the major contributing compounds of apple skin extract for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition. Furthermore, the results suggested that certain dietary flavonoids may possess properties of blood pressure regulation.
In this review paper, the various bioactive mechanisms proposed for the anti-cancer properties of triterpenes and polysaccharides extracted from G. lucidum are summarized and discussed. Through this work, five potential mechanisms were found to be associated with the anti-cancer activities of Ganoderma triterpenes and three mechanisms were associated with Ganoderma polysaccharides.
This comprehensive review discusses the effects of astaxanthin on health, a substance reported to have antioxidant ativity up to 100 times more potent than that of vitamin E against lipid peroxidation. This article covers the many important benefits astaxanthin may have on human health through properties such as immunomodulation, anti-stress, anti-inflammation, LDL cholesterol oxidation, and the suppression of life-style related disease developments like obesity, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.
Coronavirus Updates

As the coronavirus situation continues to unfold, we at the Functional Foods Center remain dedicated to bringing you the most current and reliable information on related functional food treatments. We are currently working on the review process for multiple articles pertaining to the coronavirus and the way that functional fods may be used to treat it. Make sure to look out for these articles as they are published in the coming months!