Functional Food Center Inc.

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Functional Foods for Chronic Disease

This course is extremely important for food scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, and health care practitioners. It will enable them to discuss food choices for health maintenance and evaluate credible information about food and its role in health promotion, maintenance, and management.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the epidemiology and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease
  • Recognize functional foods for cancer awareness
  • Be able to define functional foods, functional food components, health benefits, chronic diseases, global markets, and sensory evaluation
  • Understand how chemotherapy has an impact on health and how functional foods can interact
  • Identify the biomarkers and bioactive compounds of functional foods for obesity
  • Understand the epidemiology of diabetes
  • Understand how the mental health of a person can be impacted by functional foods
  • Identify relevant FDA structure, function, and health claims for new functional food products

Topic Outline of the Course

A. Introduction

1. Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease

2. Biomarkers of Different Cardiovascular Diseases

3. Functional and Bioactive Lipid Mediators in Modulating CVD Precursors

4. Effects of Functional Food and Bioactive Compounds on Biomarkers of CVD

5. Virgin Olive Oil Improves Semen Quality Altered by Hypercholesterolemic Diets in Rabbits

B. Functional Foods and Cancer

6. Functional Food and Cancer

7. Functional Food Components in Cancer Disease

8. Plants and Plant-based Products Against Cancer

9. The cytotoxic and anti-proliferative activity of high molecular weight pectin and modified citrus pectin

10. Functional food in cancer and awareness of chemotherapy and functional food interaction

C. Functional Foods and Obesity

11. Functional foods and obesity

12. Biomarkers and bioactive compounds for obesity

D. Functional Foods and Diabetes

13. Epidemiology of Diabetes

14. Functional Foods for Type 2 diabetes

E. Functional Foods and Mental Health

15. Psychology and Dietetics

16. Active principles in functional foods with antianxiety and antidepressant Effects

F. Functional Foods and other Chronic Diseases, Policy, and Regulations

17. Application of enzymes in processing of functional foods

18. Coffee silverskin extract for aging and chronic diseases

19. Health claims and functional food

Final Exam

Course Work

4 Chapter Quizzes, 1 Cumulative Final Exam,  Final Paper (700 word min.)

Grading Criteria

Course Component: Percent of Course Grade

Chapter Quizzes: 20% (5% each quiz)

Cumulative Final Exam: 50%

Final Paper: 30%


Functional Foods for Chronic Diseases: Textbook, Volume Two, First Edition, Edited by Martirosyan DM, Food Science Publisher, Dallas, USA

Teaching Methods

The course is a self-taught course with an examination and certification of completion. This allows for participants to learn at their own pace and decide for themselves when to take the exam. All resources including syllabus, textbook, powerpoint slides, and PDF files will be provided after purchase as well as a recommended course of action with which to base the studies. The book provides practice quizzes to help you along the way and to provide feedback on your level of comprehension of the material. Once the participant has completed all included chapters, they can take the exam online which, after receiving a passing grade, will provide a printable certification of completion.

Function of this Course in Total Curriculum

The focus of food science and technology has shifted from previous goals of improving food safety and enhancing food taste, toward providing healthy and functional foods. Today’s consumers desire foods that go beyond basic nutrition - foods capable of promoting better health, or even playing a disease-prevention and management role. To meet this need for innovation, academic research, and the education system at the university, must be combined with the functional food research, development and commercialization strategies. This course is extremely important for food scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, and health care practitioners. It will enable them to discuss food choices for health maintenance and evaluate credible information about food and its role in health promotion, maintenance, and management.

Functional Foods for Chronic Diseases Book Cover


Ongoing upon registration


8 weeks




Online, Functional Food Institute


General Biology, Food & Nutrition, or relevent educational/professional experience




Functional Foods for Chronic Disease (Textbook Volume 2)


Your course enrollment includes 1 year of free membership to the ASFFBC


Uwe Albrecht, MD
Danik Martirosyan, Ph.D.


$595.00 USD

*Partial scholarships and group discounts available

**This course may be completed for Continued Professional Development and may be eligible for tuition reimbursement from your employment institution

Uwe Albrecht, MD

Dr. Uwe Albrecht, MD, Mediconomics GmbH, Hannover, Germany. He has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on July 26, 2017. His certificate is valid until July 26, 2023. Certificate number: 1002FFC/FFI.

Uwe Albrecht

Danik Martirosyan, PhD

President, Functional Food Center/Functional Food Institute, Dallas, TX, USA; Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Functional Foods in Health and Disease, Dallas, TX, USA. He is a Certified Functional Food Scientist, Certificate number: 1000FFC/FFI. The certificate is valid for 3 years, until June 1, 2020

Danik Martirosyan