May Spotlight Articles
Here are five of our articles from the Functional Foods in Health and Disease Journal that we think you may find interesting!
1. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of lecithin free egg yolk protein preparation hydrolysates obtained with digestive enzymes by Aleksandra Zambrownicz, Marta Pokora, Ewelina Eckert, et al.
Read Here
2. Lipid Replacement Therapy: a Functional Food Approach with New Formulations for Reducing Cellular Oxidative Damage, Cancer-Associated Fatigue and the Adverse Effects of Cancer Therapy by Garth L. Nicolson and Robert Settineri
Read Here
3. Effect of Mixed-Tocotrienols in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects by Kah Hay Yuen, Jia Woei Wong, and Ai Beoy Lim
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4. Functional foods in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: olive leaf extract, turmeric and fenugreek, a qualitative review by Mona Boaz, Eyal Leibovitz, Yosefa Bar Dayan, et al.
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5. Bioactive compounds in potatoes: Accumulation under drought stress conditions by Christina B. Wegener, Gisela Jansen, Hans-Ulrich Juergens
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28th International Conference To Be Held VIRTUALLY!
May 20th, 2020
By Charlotte Giordano and Danik Martirosyan

In light of these trying times caused by the spread of COVID-19, we at the Functional Foods Center have been developing new ways to keep you informed and involved despite the circumstances. We understand that we're all currently living through times of fear, uncertainty, and unfamiliarity and we would like to accommodate for this. As such, we are excited to announce that the 28th International Conference scheduled for August 28-29 in San Diego, CA will now be offered virtually. Many limitations have been placed upon events due to the coronavirus, however, we are given the unique opportunity to bring this event to many of our members who may not have been able to attend in-person. We invite you to join us and learn about functional foods targeted for longevity, the bioactive compounds and biomarkers in age-related diseases, and some leading research on functional foods which may address coronavirus infection.
The complete list of full sessions included in the conference will be as follows:
- Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds: Definition, Status, and Regulation
- Aging and Chronic Diseases (Cancer, Diabetes, CVD and Mental Diseases)
- Diet, Nutrition and Functional Foods for Older Adults
- Prebiotics, Probiotics, Microbiota and Healthy Aging
- Biomarkers in Age-Related Diseases
- Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds for Disease Management and Healthy Aging
- Functional Ingredients/bioactive compounds and Healthy Aging
- FFC's Anti-Aging Strategies: Clinical Studies on Longevity
- Current Research and Development of New Functional Food Products
- A full list of the participating speakers and the research they will be presenting can also be found on our website. We hope you will join us for this very exciting and unique conference on August 28-29. Make sure to register through our website to confirm your virtual attendance!
Register Here

We understand that due to the impact of the coronavirus, some presenters may be uncomfortable with or unable to travel to San Diego, CA, the in-person location of the conference. That is why, for those doing poster presentations that may be unable to attend, we are providing the option to speak for 5-10 minutes over a live stream about your research. Your talk may ideally provide an introduction as to why your research is important, brief methods to explain how it was conducted, and then a discussion of the results and conclusions. Through this format, participants will still be able to present their work to those attending the conference and interact with attendees to answer questions and clarify understanding. We hope that through the provision of this alternative option, we can help accommodate for our presenters that may be finding it difficult to adjust to the current circumstances. If you are a poster presenter and you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact and notify us.