Functional Food Center Inc.

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Certified Functional Food Professionals

This page showcases individuals that have earned their certification as Functional Food Professionals through the Functional Food Center. Though some earned this certification through participation in our conferences and others through the completion of our online courses, this achievement exemplifies their in-depth, professional-level understanding of functional foods and bioactive compounds as well as their dedication to the field of functional foods. We are pleased to display their achievements and accredit them as certified Functional Food Professionals.

Want to be part of this list?

The FFC is committed to educating students, researchers, and industry professionals in functional foods. If you would like to gain your certification to become a Functional Food Professional, send an application today! Depending on your experience in functional foods and involvement in FFC events, we can assign you an appropriate amount of credits and recommend a course of action for earning additional credits if necessary.

What are You Waiting for?

Eligibility for the Functional Food Scientist or Professional exam can only be determined after evaluation of your submitted application. Please fill out this application form and submit. After submitting this application form, check your email for information on your eligibility.