Functional Food Center

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FFC's 23rd International Conference and Expo on Functional Foods - 11th Int. Symposium of ASFFBC

Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds, and Biomarkers in Health and Disease:

Science and Practice.

April 24-25, 2018, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA

Register Now

Guidelines for Full Paper Submission:

Participants with accepted abstracts may write full articles:

  1. The entire text of the full papers must be in Times New Roman, 12 point size font.
  2. Full paper margins should be 0.75 inches from the top and bottom, and 1.0 inch from the left and right for A4 format paper.
  3. Line spacing should be 1.15 and alignment justified.
  4. The submitted full papers should contain 6-16 pages. A shorter or longer manuscript must be discussed with the organizing committee.
  5. When submitting a full paper, the corresponding author should send a cover letter indicating that the authors have not submitted a similar manuscript for publication elsewhere. Full papers submitted without cover letters will not be published.
  6. The full papers and cover letter should be submitted as separate attachments to the following email address:
  7. Submit the full paper within 2 months following the date in the abstract acceptance letter, but no later than the date mentioned on the conference website.
  8. Full papers will be published in FFC’s Journal of Functional Foods in Health and Disease. Please download and use the suggested samples for an original scientific paper, review paper, and cover letter.
  9. As a token of our appreciation for article submissions in the Special Issue, we are offering 50% discount of our standard publication fee. The final cost will be $348.00 for BCHD and $447.00 for FFHD . If sufficient scientific funds are unavailable for coverage of the discounted publication fee, ASFFBC is willing to accommodate as needed. Please contact us (in advance) for more details, if necessary. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this!
  10. Full-text papers should be submitted before July 30, 2017 and it is mandatory for oral presenters.