Functional Food Center Inc.

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Functional Foods and Cancer: Cancer Biology and Dietary Factors (2nd Edition)

Paperback: 248 pages

Publisher: Food Science Publisher

ISBN-13 (color): 979-8784842770

Dimensions:  8.25 x 0.78 x 11 inches

Color version: $250

eBook version: $150

The book is the collective work of 22 scientists, 17 universities, medical organizations, and food organizations across the globe. Edited by Danik Martirosyan, PhD and Jin-Rong Zhou, PhD.

To learn more: Click here to visit the Amazon site for the color version 

As an active member of Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds you are eligable for 20% discount. 


This textbook will provide our readers with insights on cancer, science, and nutrition. It begins with a discussion of xenobiotic residues, which are present in food and cancer, and then moves on to a detailed discussion of the study and science of phytochemicals that are responsible for preventing cancer. Additional discussions delve into cancer biomarkers and strategies for early diagnosis, a variety of foods and their cancer-preventive properties, and various dietary factors that increase or decrease cancer risk. The alphabetized glossary at the end of the textbook provides definitions for terms that have been conveniently highlighted in the chapters.

Book Chapters

Chapter 1: "Nutrition and Cancer: Science and Practice"

Chapter 2: "Dietary Factors which may Reduce the Risk of Cancer"

Chapter 3: "Dietary Factors which may Increase the Risk of Cancer"

Chapter 4: "Common Foods and Functional Foods: Their Association with Cancer"

Chapter 5: "Environmental Effects on Food and Cancer"

Chapter 6: "Functional Foods Enhancing Immunity"

Chapter 7: "Anticancer Effects of Green Tea (Camellia siensis)"

Chapter 8: "Cancer Biomarkers: Strategies for Early Diagnosis"

**In order to get the most out of this edition, we recommend reading each chapter completely and to also review the summary paragraphs that conclude each chapter. These summaries lay out the main take-aways from the chapter and help to put the chapter as a whole into perspective.