Functional Food Center Inc.

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FFC's Expressway Certification: FFC EC

Goal of EC

One of the main goals of the Functional Foods Center has always been to increase the accessibility of certification for interested and qualified individuals. Expressway certification is designed to give individuals in the field a fast-track way to earn their certification and enter a network of professionals in the functional foods field. This specific certification process will allow us to work with your schedule and find the best time for you to complete the requirements of this particular path to certification. This certification was designed for people who already have a strong background in the field and wish to become certified Functional Food Scientists (FFS) or Functional Food Professionals (FFP), which is why the number of requirements for its completion is significantly reduced. 

Due to the nature of this certification, it is available to individuals with an PhD, MD who are in the fields of Functional foods or Food and Nutrition Sciences or individuals with a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science and a minimum of 5 years experience in the fields of Health and Functional Foods. All these applicants would have to complete is one specific task that would show their expertise and understanding of the field and a consultation verifying their mastery of the information. Each application is looked at on a case-to-case basis so some exclusions may apply.

What is Express Certification?

At FFC, we provide multiple paths to certification for both professionals and those pursuing degrees with interest in Functional Foods. We now offer a faster option for people who qualify for the Functional Food Scientist (FFS) or Functional Food Professional (FFP) certification along with the standard certification processes.

These individuals can earn their certification by: 

  1. Choosing an individual plan such as: (1) Speaking at a seminar about a topic based on one Chapters for Certification from one of the Functional Foods textbooks. Alternatively, you can also suggest your own project related to functional food science, which may be considered. (2) Writing an article on a topic of interest in the field of functional food (8 to 15 page).
  2. Going through our Master Document (about 25 pages) that we will provide for you with information including Functional Food Definition, steps to develop FF products, FF Product evaluation, FF Classification, and FF regulation in the USA, Europe, and Japan. This document also has summaries, test questions, and answers so you can learn quickly.

Please note: Express way option is available only for highly trained professionals such as PhD, MD, or candidates who are working in the fields of functional food, food science, and nutrition; food scientists in the industry; professors in universities who teach similar areas; or researchers who are working in bioactive molecule and food ingredient fields. Those with a bachelor’s or master’s degree should have many years of experience in the health and functional food industry to be qualified.

To make it easy to understand whole process of Express way certification we will provide you in addition two videos:

  • Chosen video presentation for the Certification on FFC’s seminar
  • Chosen video presentation for the final step discussion on functional food definition, classification, and how to make ideal functional food product.

All the material needed will be provided to each applicant for free without an additional cost.

If you are interested and would like to know if you are qualified for Express way certification, please fill out FFS application form:

FFS/FFP application form 

Why should you pursue Express Certification?

There are three other paths to certification: the Standardized Program of Study (SPS), the Personalized Project Program (PPP), and the Guided Program of Study (GPS). 

  • The Standardized Program of Study is an online program comprised of 8 chapters from the Functional Foods textbook series, chapter quizzes, a final exam, and a final project. The program is self-guided with communication through skype and, in the end, will account for 80 credits. Costs $695 for non-members.
  • The Personalized Project Program consists of self-study, meetings with an instructor, and a main personalized project. This program allows the individual to choose a set number of topics relating to their interests to focus on. They will then complete exams, discussions, and a project based on the chosen topics. Costs $695 for non-members
  • The Guided Program of Study consists of guided study instead and a personal project. This allows you to meet with your instructors as needed to discuss any topics or questions you may have along the way. This program will allow you to dive deep into the theory and conduct your research on bioactive compounds and functional foods. Costs $895 for non-members.
  • The Expressway Certification program consists of one consultation with a functional foods expert and an individual plan that is agreed upon between the applicant and the instructors. This individual plan may consist of a multitude of options such as presenting at a seminar, writing an article on a topic of interest, etc. Costs $595 for non-members.  

In comparison to the three programs mentioned above, the Expressway Certification does not require the completion of 80 credits due to the candidate's degree, position, and experience in Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds. It only requires a meeting with a functional food professional and the completion of one other task/project mentioned in the previous section. It will still ensure that the individual possesses the knowledge and expertise needed to understand current research being done in the expanding field of Functional Foods and will be able to incorporate that knowledge into work done in their careers. As of right now, it costs only $595 to complete the express certification. This certification is also about $100 cheaper than the standard program price.


Many benefits come with getting a certification in functional foods. There are other perks along with the accreditation reaffirming your knowledge and verifying your expertise.

The certification will also allow you to:

  • Teach courses on functional foods as well as gives instructors access to FFC textbooks and extensive materials needed to teach courses
  • Enhance your chance at obtaining grants for your research by setting you apart from other peers in your field.
    For Master's and Bachelor's students, it will strengthen your application for PhD programs or other job opportunities.
  • Join a private Linkedin group with access to 5000 other functional foods professionals
  • Receive a one-year membership to the Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds, which boasts an impressive 7000+ members. 
  • Access to eBook encyclpedia for Functional Food Science, which has a value of $195.00
  • Along with these perks, getting your functional foods certification, whether with the express program or otherwise, gives you more experience. If you choose to write an article, you are improving your scientific writing skills, and if you choose to present at a seminar, you are given a chance to practice public speaking. These skills are invaluable to the paths of professionals in any field.

How to Get Started

The first step to getting your certification is to determine your eligibility.

  1. Fill out the Express Certification Process Application Form. In this form, you will outline your personal information and all of the experience you have in the field of functional foods or otherwise. Once this application is submitted, an email will be sent to you with whether you are eligible for this specific process or not.
  2. Once the Eligibility comes back, then you must go in and pay the fee of $600 for the certification process. If you are an existing paying member of the Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive, there will be a slight discount.
  3. After the payment submission, you will be contacted to verify further what steps you would like to take to complete the certification process.

Have any questions? Email us at

What are You Waiting for?

Please click to the link below to fill out FFC's Application Form: 

Click the ticket to purchase your program today!