Functional Food Center Inc.

Scientific Panel

The Functional Food Center (FFC) Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) was created on October 28, 1998. The Panel has been reestablished to the International Scientific Advisory Panel (ISAP) on February 12, 2004. Members of ISAP are scientists with sufficient professional qualifications (including training and experience) to provide expert comments about the impact on Functional Food Products and Non-Traditional Plants. Members are selected from areas such as biology, pharmacology, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, pathology, toxicology, and related sciences. The ISAP is comprised of 6 core members internationally recognized as scientific leaders in the field of functional food science and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. The Panel will assist in identifying relevant practices and research, and provide guidance on the scientific integrity of all functional food products, organizing international conferences and advising scientific journals of Functional Food Centers (FFHD and BCHD). 

Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Professor, Chairman of Scientific Panel, President, Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor of Molecular Pathology, The Institute for Molecular Medicine, S. Laguna Beach, CA, USA; Field Editor, Functional Foods in Health and Disease

Mikio Nishizawa, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Japan; Editor-in-Chief of Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease

Jin-Rong Zhou, PhD, Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Director, Nutrition/Metabolism Laboratory, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA; Field Editor, Functional Foods in Health and Disease

Yasuhito Shirai, PhD, Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Department of Agrobioscience, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; Editor-in-Chief of Functional Foods in Health and Disease

Mona Boaz, PhD, Professor, Chair, Department of Nutrition Sciences Ariel University, Ariel, Israel; Editor-in-Chief of Functional Foods in Health and Disease

Danik M. Martirosyan, PhD, President of Functional Food Center, he is the Chairman and Organizer of International Conferences in the series of "Functional Foods for the Management of Chronic Diseases" since 2004, Founder of Functional Food Center and Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds, Dallas, TX, USA

Board of Certified Functional Food Scientists

*From November 25, 2018: for the Certified Functional Food Scientist could be applied by person who has PhD and MD degree or by other person who working in the field of Functional Food Science for more than 5 years and has BS or MSc degree.

Ping Ouyang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dietetics, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, College of Education and Human Development, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA. Dr. Ouyang has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on December 14th, 2019. The certificate is valid for 3 years, until December 14th, 2025. Certificate number: 1008FFC/FFI.

Yan Campbell, PhD, Research Associate, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA. Dr. Campbell has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on June 8th, 2020. The certificate is valid for 3 years, until June 8th, 2023. Certificate number: 1009FFC/FFI.

Debasis Bagchi, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, United States. The certificate is valid until January 18th, 2027. Certificate number: 1016FFC/FFI.

Kamon Chaiyasit, PhD, Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand: Dr. Chaiyasit has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on July 6, 2017. The certificate is valid until July 6, 2026. Certificate number: 1001FFC/FFI. 

Uwe Albrecht, MD, Mediconomics GmbH, Hannover, Germany. He has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on July 26, 2017. The certificate is valid until July 26, 2023. Certificate number: 1002FFC/FFI. 

Elizabeth K. Carter, MD,  Dr. Elizabeth Carter is a Chiropractor, Naturopath, and medical doctor, who has served the Main Line and Philadelphia area for 18 years, specializing in pediatric, pregnancy, and nutrition. Her practice, Restorative Health Center, is based in Exton, PA. She has successfully completed the requirements of Functional Food Institute’s Certified Functional Foods Scientist program on April 1st, 2019. The certificate is valid for 3 years, until April 1st, 2022. Certificate number: 1008FFC/FFI.

Danik Martirosyan, PhD, President, Functional Food Center Inc, Dallas, TX, USA; Functional Food Institute, San Diego, CA, USA. The certificate is valid until June 1st, 2026. Certificate number: 1000FFC/FFI.