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FFC's 26th International Conference and Expo - 14th Int. Symposium of ASFFBC

Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease

May 9-10, 2019, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA

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Main Conference Topics/Sessions

Main Topics/Sessions at the 26th FFC's International Conference will include:


  • Session 1: Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals: Definition and the Status in Different Countries
  • Session 2. Functional Food Ingredients: Sources and Potential Benefits in Public health
  • Session 2: The Effects of bioactive molecules on Biomarkers of Chronic Diseases
  • Session 3: The Effects of Nutrition and Functional Foods on Aging and Health
  • Session 4: Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease
  • Session 5: Functional Foods and Chronic Diseases
  • Session 6: Functional Foods with Bioactive Compound(s): Prevention and Management of Non-communicable Diseases
  • Session 7: Food Bioactive Compounds, Biomarkers, and Functional Foods: Promising Concept for Chronic Disease and Healthy Aging
  • Session 8: Safety of the Bioactive Compounds and Functional Foods
  • Session 9: Biomarkers and Functional Food
  • Session 10: Food Bioactive Compounds, Biomarkers, and Functional Foods: Promising Concept for Chronic Disease and Healthy Aging
  • Session 11: Current Research and Development of New Functional Food Products


  • Special Session 1: Functional Foods for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Special Session 2: Metabolic Syndrome. Session organizer: 
  • Special Session 3: Immunonutrition. Session organizer: Gabriela Riscuta MD, CNS, Program Director, Nutritional Science Research Group, Division of Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
  • Special session 4: Sports Nutrition and Functional Foods. Session organizer: 
  • Special Session 5: Metabolic syndrome and gut microbiome. Session organizer: Session organizer: Kanakaraju Kaliannan, MD. 
  • Special session 6: Sulfur compounds, B-group vitamins and cardiovascular health. Session organizer: Dragan M. Djuric, MD, PhD, professor
  • Special Session: Dietitian's Point of View

Detail Discription of Sessions and Topics

Session: Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals: Definition and the Status in Different Countries

  • The regulations, policy, and labeling of functional foods in Japan
  • Weaknesses and strong points of FOSHU/Food for Special Health Usage
  • What is the status of Functional Foods in the USA? Expert opinions from NIH, USDA, and FDA
  • How the new definition of Functional Foods can help to improve the status of functional foods word wide
  • Please suggest your own topic 

Session: Nutrition, Functional, and Medical foods for Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

  • Epidemiology of CVD
  • Biomarkers of different cardiovascular diseases
  • The effects of functional food and bioactive compounds on biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases
  • Nutrition, Functional, and Medical foods for CVD

Session: Functional Foods with Bioactive Compound(s): Prevention and Management of Non-communicable Diseases

  • Functional foods and other non-communicable diseases
  • Bioactive compounds and other non-communicable diseases
  • The effects of medical food on biomarkers of non-communicable diseases

Session: Safety of the Bioactive Compounds and Functional Foods

  • Food-Drug Interactions
  • Safety of bioactive compounds at efficacious levels
  • Safety of functional foods at efficacious levels
  • Regulatory issues and health claims

Session: Biomarkers and Functional Food

  • Biomarkers and functional foods
  • Biomarkers available for assessing diet-related changes
  • How can biomarkers improve functional food products development process?
  • The importance of Monitoring Biomarkers in Functional food Science
  • FDA’s Biomarker Qualification Program and creation of new functional foods

Session: Functional Foods and Chronic Diseases 

  • Functional Foods and Obesity
  • Functional Foods and Diabetes
  • Mental and Neurological Diseases
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Functional Foods and Cancer
  • Functional Foods and other Chronic Diseases

Session: Current Research and Development of New Functional and Healthy Food Products.

  • Incentives for functional and healthy food research and development
  • Consumer acceptance of healthy and functional food products
  • Functional food composition and dietary intake databases
  • Food vehicles for delivery bioactive compounds
  • Research, development and marketing of new healthy and functional food products

Session: Functional Foods for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): What causes and what are the symptoms?
  • IBD: functional foods, bioactive compounds and biomarkers
  • Nutrition and bioactive compounds in the management of IBD 
  • Dietary management of pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • The role of nutrition in the development and functioning of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
  • The Role of Prebiotics in IBD
  • The use of glycerolphospholipids to treat systemic pain and gastrointestinal pain
  • Probiotics for therapeutic application in pouchitis and to a lesser degree in Ulcerative Colitis

Special session: Sports Nutrition and Functional Foods

  • Nutrition for Strength Adaptations
  • Requirements of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates for Athletes
  • Physiological Basis for Creatine Supplementation In Skeletal Muscle and the Central Nervous System
  • The Role of Glycine-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoisocaproic Acid (GAKIC) in Sports Nutrition
  • Roles of Chromium (III), Vanadium, Iron, and Zinc in Sports Nutrition
  • Human Performance and Sports Application of Herbal Supplements
  • Carbohydrate and Glycogen Metabolism: Training and Dietary Influences and Their Impact on Performance and Recovery
  • Eccentric Exercise: Benefits and Applications to Training
  • Strength Assessments: Neuromuscular and Biomechanical Considerations
  • Sports Nutrition Beverages: An Overview
  • Nutrition in Paralympics
  • An Overview of Extreme Sports