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FFC's 26th International Conference and Expo on Functional Foods - 14th Int. Symposium of ASFFBC

Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease

May 9-10, 2019, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA

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Abstract Accepted for the Presentation:

Poster presentation recommendations:

  • Poster presentations give the audience a clear visual of the presenter's work in a simple format. The reasonable size for posters is 2.5 feet wide by 3.5 feet high.
  • Present the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, along with highlighting the abstract's major elements.
  • Minimize detail and try to use simple statements. Keep it short and easy to read.
  • Remember that pictures, tables, and figures are key to any poster display.
  • If possible, use color in your visuals.
  • Don't overwhelm the audience with excessive information. Instead, construct a display that enhances the presentation.
  • At least 50% of the surface area should be used for photos, graphs and diagrams.
  • Use a clear structure and layout.
  • Use complementary colors. Use black or dark blue for text. Too much color can be hard to read!
  • One or two large, high quality photographs attract attention.
  • Your title should be a condensed statement of the main idea of your poster. It should be large and clear.
  • Your poster title should be easily readable from a distance of 3-4 meters. Include author(s) name(s), and address(es).
  • We recommend the following sections on the poster: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Tables, Figures, Results, and Conclusions.
  • Please confirm your poster number on the list. The posters with odd numbers will be presented on September 20, 2018 and the posters with even numbers will be presented on September 21, 2018.
  • Please put up your own poster in the position indicated by your presentation number by noon of each day. Presentation numbers are already indicated on display panels. Please check your presentation number and be careful to put up your poster on the correct panel. Please use pins to put up posters. Please do not use glue or sellotape.
  • Please present your work in front of your own poster during the poster session.
  • The best poster presentation award will be chosen by votes of all participants.
  • Posters will be changed every day. Please help by taking your own poster down. Posters still displayed after the removal time has passed will be disposed of by the secretary the following day.
  • For more information on oral presentation please visit conference program page.

Portrait size: 2.5 feet width(76.2 centimeters), 3.5 feet height(106.68 centimeters)

Portrait Size

Abstracts Accepted for Presentation 

O* -  abstract for oral presentation

P** - abstract for poster presentation

O1. Victoria Pardo Uzitas,  “Creating Trends: How food companies are bridging scientific discovery and consumer need in the quest for the next great product”

P1.  Anjan Borah, “Functional and nutritional characteristics of low amylose rice extrudates incorporated with bhimkol”

P2. Dragan Djuric, “Cardiac oxidative stress parameters and cardiometabolic markers in monocrotaline-induced heart failure in Wistar albino rats: influence of co-application of vitamins B6 and folic acid”

O2. Dragan Djuric, “Sulfur containing amino acids homocysteine and methionine: overview of the cardiovascular effects in rats”

P3. Dragan Djuric “The influence of folic acid administration on cardiac oxidative stress and biomarkers in streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus in Wistar albino rats”

O3. Nolé Tsabang, “Reconstitution of Cancer's Ethnomedical Treatment by the One Boy Local Therapist”

O4. Afrozul Haq, “Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in juveniles from various countries”

O5. Hairong Cheng, “Identification, Characterization of Two NADPH-Dependent Erythrose Reductases in the Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica And Improvement of Functional Sugar Erythritol productivity Using Metabolic Engineering”

O6. Grant Pierce, “Flaxseed as a nutritional supplement to treat cardiovascular disease”

O7. Ming Du, “Lactoferrin preserves bone homeostasis by regulating the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway of osteoimmunology”

P4. Ming Du, “Lactoferrin preserves bone homeostasis by regulating the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway of osteoimmunology”

O8. Robert Rucker, “Pyrroloquinoline Quinone: Its Importance to Mitochondriogenesis”

O9. Simon Itsygin, “Development of Functional Foods Based on Innovative Sea Salts”

O10. Asim Duttaroy, “Development of EFSA approved cardioprotective functional food ingredients”

O11. Ilkay Gök, “Consumer Preferences, Marketing Size, Regulations and Labeling of Functional Foods in Turkey”

O12. Tatiana Korolenko, “Mannan and trehalose: study of hypolipidemic effect in acute lipemia of mice”

O13. Ülkü Demirci, “Fate of mannan oligosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract”

P5. Kiminori Matsubara, “The anti-aging effect and the mechanism of alpha-glycerophosphocholine on senescence-accelerated mouse”

P6. Irakli Chkhikvishvili, “Supplementation of bread with natural polyphenol-rich plant extracts can reduce the postprandial glycemic response in healthy individuals”

O14. Martin Kwok, “Lumbrokinase – the result of a perfect marriage between traditional empirical knowledge and modern medical science”

P7. Sachi Shibata, “The effect of orally administered carnosic acid and piciferic acid in the P/8 line of the senescence-accelerated mouse model (SAMP8)”

P8. Timothy Akinosun, “Contributions of Different Cooking Methods and Temperatures to the Level of Acrylamide in Common Heat-Processed West African Foods”

P9. Tooba Mahboob, “Acanthamoeba: the potential role of natural products towards drug discovery”

O15. Akinori Yanaka, “Chemoprevention against gastrointestinal cancer by Sulforaphane”

P10. Hyeon Lee, “Neuroprotective activities of marine alga, Spirulina maxima extract”

O16. William Li, “Activation of intrinsic health defenses as a mechanism for food bioactives: a systems-based approach to food functionality”

P11. Eric Banan-Mwine Daliri, “Soybean Protein Hydrolysate Fermented by Lactobacillus rhamnosus EBD1 Reduces Blood Pressure in Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats and Alters Gut Microbiota”

O17. Jose Nunez, “Potatoes as main source of bioactive compounds in poor communities of Shilla District, Ancash, Peru”

O18. Tarini Naravane, “Common Ontological Framework towards computing Flavour and Health in Recipe Formulations for Functional Food applications”

P12. Helder Louvandini “Effect of maternal cottonseed diet on the transcriptome of lamb testicle”

P13. Grace N. "Bioactive compounds and Antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants used for treatment of Cancer in Uganda" 

P14. Joram K. "Ugandan diet of fruits and vegetables that are rich in minerals, vitamins and Bioactive compounds for prevention of diseases"

P15. Zainah N.  "Zanthoxylum Chalybeum Engl. root tea formulation lowers elevated blood glucose in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients"

P16. Alexandria T. "Bioactive compounds, pharmacological activity and clinical observational studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Review"

P17. Osamu Hayashi. “Immuno-regulatory and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Phycocyanin From Spirulina on Caco-2/U937 Cells Co-culture as a Model of the Intestinal Barrier”

O20. Chemat S. “Root barks of Berberis hispanica Boiss. & Reut. as a source of high potent antistaphylococcal compounds using chromatography-activity guided fractionation”

O21. Bryan Nathan, “Evidence for Use of Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition in Primary Care”

O22. Naranjajan Dhalla, “Modification of catecholamine- induced cardiac arrhythmias by treatment with some vitamins”

O23. Bram Ramjiawan, “Measurement, Interpretation, and Clinical Relevance of Vitamin D3 Status in Healthy Individuals”

O24. Vladimir Jakovlkevic, “Polyphenols as nutritional supplements in cardiovascular health protection: from basic science to applied investigations”

O25. Devendra K. Agrawal, “Vitamin D deficiency accelerates intimal hyperplasia and restenosis following coronary intervention”

O26. Kanakaraju Kaliannan, “Integrated Metagenomic and Metabolomic Investigation of Host-microbiota interactions Reveals the Beneficial Effects of Combination of Elevated Tissue Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Genistein supplementation on High-fat Diet Induced Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome”

O27. Garth Nicolson, “Membrane Lipid Replacement with oral NTFactor Lipids® to restore mitochondrial function, reduce fatigue, pain and other symptoms and improve QOL indicators in fibromyalgia and fatigue syndromes”

O28. Abdul Hameed Khan, “The Impact of Sequencing Human Genome on Novel Drug Design and the Synthesis of Analogs of Aziridinylbenzoquinones (US Patent 4,146,622) as a Novel Class of Drugs Designed for Treating Brain Cancer”

O29. Abdulkerim Eroglu, “Molecular Mechanisms of Action of β-apocarotenoids and Functional Biomarkers of Plasma Carotenoids”

O30. Sara Haddad Tabrizi, “The Effect of Bioactive Peptide Extracted from Soybean, Lunasin, on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors”

O31. James Coughlin, “Unfounded Risks of Nitrite and Nitrate in Humans: The Need for a New Framework Based on Their Health Benefits”

O32. Norman Hord, “Dietary exposure to dietary nitrate and nitrite: factors affecting bioavailability from foods, beverages and dietary supplements”

O33. Heidi Lynch, “Plant-based diets and athletic performance: the current state of the evidence”

O34. Di Wu, “Identification and analysis of bioactive peptides from scallops (Chlamys farreri) protein by simulated gastrointestinal digestion”

O35. Tianying Wu, “Red Meat, Renal Function, Race, and Other Predictors of Circulating Nitrates”

O36. John Burd, “Glucose Toxicity:  The Worldwide Problem and the All-Natural Solution”

O37. Smiti Vaid Gupta, “1H NMR metabolomics reveals modulation of Glutamine by Tocotrienols via mTOR pathway in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”

P18. Aubrey Frantz, “In Vitro Effects of Dietary Nitrate On The Human Gut Microbiota”

P19. Michele Greque de Morais, “Nutritional Evaluation of Cake Enriched with Brazilian Berry Pulp”

O38. Sunny Jain, “Analysis of the Gut Microbiome using Whole Genome Sequencing and the Effectiveness of Customized Floré® Precision Probiotics”

O39. Zulya Maizetova, “The Nutrigenomic Approach in New Generation of Nutraceuticals”

O40. Ranjeet Klair, “Creating Safe Manufacturing Standards to Produce Functional Foods”

P20. Sheila Wicks, “Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.) Extracts and Triterpenes Act as HDAC1/SIRT Agonists/Antagonists in Cultured COV-434 Ovarian Granulosa Tumor Cells”

P21. Kasozi Joram, “Ugandan diet of Fruits and Vegetables that are rich in minerals, vitamins and bioactive Compounds for Prevention of Diseases”

P22. Namirembe Zainah, “Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. root tea formulation lowers elevated blood glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients”

P23. Tuliraba Eron Alexandria, “Bioactive Compounds, Pharmacological activity and Clinical Observational Studies of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Review”

P24. Jorge Alberto V. Costa, “Development of Snack Bars with Spirulina Biomass: Effect of Microalga Concentration in Color and Microbiological Parameters”

P25. Julius Oben, "Antioxidant and hypoglycemiant activities of hydroethanolic extract of Baillonella toxisperma pulp (MOAB100™)."

P26. Melanie Hutchings, "Efficacy of Oil Palm Phenolics and Curcumin on the Serotonin Pathway"

O41. Mahnaz Kargar, “Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Selected Banana (Musa spp.) Cultivars in the Southeastern U.S.”

O42. Julius Oben, "Pain reduction by a cucumber extract (Q-Actin™) is accompanied by a decrease in oxidative stress in patients with moderate osteoarthritis"