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Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds: Modern and Medieval Approaches

         31st International Conference & EXPO of FFC - 19th International
Symposium of ASFFBC

          September 29th - October 1st, 2023, Yerevan State University in Yerevan,

Armenia (In-Person and Virtual/Live Online Event)

We had more than 5900 registered attendees (in-person and virtual) at this conference (representatives from over 125 countries)


FFC's 31st International Conference

Register Now        Submit your abstract        Financial Aid Information

Years of research has demonstrated the efficacy of the diet rich in functional foods with bioactive compounds in reducing the risk of developing chronic disease. Decreasing the risk of chronic disease can also reduce the risk of viral disease, as those with chronic disease are more vulnerable to contracting and perishing from viral diseases. Considering the impact of the diet on both chronic and viral disease, having a greater understanding the bioactive compounds that produce the beneficial effects of the diet with functional foods can lead to improved health of the global population and decrease vulnerability to disease. Once identified, these bioactive compounds can be used in the development of functional foods for certain conditions and diseases. 

To facilitate and promote the discussion of how the functional foods and bioactive compounds can be used to reduce the risks of disease, the central theme for the Functional Food Center’s 31st International Conference will be "Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds: Modern and Medieval Approaches." This conference will bring together experts in medicine, biology, and the food industry to discuss the usage of functional foods with bioactive compounds as dietary interventions for chronic and viral diseases, such as COVID-19. 

The conference is organized by Functional Food Center-FFC (Dallas, TX, USA), Functional Food Institute-FFI (San Diego, CA, USA), Yerevan State University (YSU), The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Armenia, The Matenadaran, Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, Research Institute (Yerevan, Armenia), International Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds (ASFFBC), The Journal of "Functional Foods in Health and Disease" (FFHD), The Journal of "Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease" (BCHD) and The Journal of Functional Food Science (FFS).

FFC's 31st International Conference will also examine all aspects of SARS CoV-2 infection prevention and management, including non-pharmaceutical interventions, as well as active and passive immunization.

FFC 31 - In-Person, as well as a Virtual Experience (LIVE Online Event): September 29th - October 1st, 2023. For more than 25 years, the Functional Food Center has provided the functional and healthy food industry with outstanding education, training, exhibits and networking opportunities to a worldwide community of researchers, food scientists, and academics. 

For more details about conference sessions and topics, please visit conference Topics and Sessions page.

Please check out our conference Brochure to learn more about the upcoming conference.

Please click the link to watch  YouTube video about the last FFC's conference.

Please click the link to watch  YouTube video to learn more about Yerevan State University (YSU).

For Travel Information follow to this link:

Call for Abstracts

Share your research with a global audience through the FFC 31st International Conference! Extended Abstract Submission Deadline is: August 11th, 2023 5 pm (PST). The entire abstract should have a maximum of 1000 words (including extra information about authors). Please use Times New Roman Font 12 for the entire abstract.

Submit your abstract to be considered for an opportunity to showcase your work along with other leaders from the fields of medicine and food science during this event in a short or regular presentation. You will also have the opportunity to answer audience questions in real-time. 

Short Presentations: 7 minutes

Regular Presentations: 20 Minutes

Special and Keynote Presentations: 25-30 Minutes

Decisions on selection will be promptly communicated to the authors via e-mail. All contributions will be reviewed by organizing committee members, and accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings book. Please email your abstract as an attachment to Please review our sample abstract.  It is mandatory to make a payment within 7-10 days after you receive an abstract acceptance letter. 

Registration Fees and Deadlines

The registration fee will cover the Conference Proceedings book (Abstract book) and a 12-month membership to the Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds. It will provide access to all sessions as  well as free lunches and coffee. Each registration allows the registrant to present up to 3 accepted abstracts maximum. Registration includes access to the entire program and Expo, presentation materials, and networking with expert speakers and organizing committee members.

Cancellation Policy: Before February 28, 2023: 75% refund; before May 28, 2023: 50% refund; after May 28, 2023: No refund (but you can transfer your ticket to another co-worker). Reimbursements will be sent after the conference. Notice of cancellation of registration must be received in writing to the Conference Secretariat. All refunds will be provided after the conference within 14 days.

Conference registration fees are in USD . To make a payment please click here: 

Registration Type

January 1st to April 1st, 2023 August 11th to Spetmeber 15th, 2023
Student Registration Rate: M*/N** 115.00 / 135.00 125.00 / 145.00
Regular Registration Rate: M / N 395.00 / 495.00 495.00 / 595.00
Exhibitors (2mx3m)*** 595.00  695.00 
Abstract Publication Fee 49.00 99.00

*M: Members of Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds; **N: Nonmembers(N); ***If an exhibitor wants a larger space, they can rent bigger space (cost of one square meter space is 100 US dollar); ****Conference is offering a 25% reduced registration fee to residents of developing countries; *** 50% discount for virual participation for Regular Registration Rate


  • Late Abstract Submission - Deadline September 8, 2023: Late abstract publication fee is $99.00.
  • Full-text papers (full review or research articles) for oral presentations or posters will receive 75% discount for the article publication fee. Please note that the submission of full text papers are mandatory for oral presenters. Please review the author guidlenes before submitting your article. We will chose your article for publication in the following 3 open-access, peer-reviewed journals in accordance to your article content and other parameters: 1. The Journal of "Functional Foods in Health and Disease" (FFHD), is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. 2. The Journal of "Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease" (BCHD) is indexed in Scopus. 3. The Journal of Functional Food Science (FFS) will be submitted for Scopus indexing. Full-text paper submission deadline is August 1st, 2023.
  • Power Points for oral presentations should be submitted before September 21st, 2023. 

Please note that the program and sessions are subject to change. For more information about the conference, please contact us by e-mail at