FFC's 26th International Conference and Expo - 14th International Symposium of ASFFBC

Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals in Health and Diseases

May 9-10, 2019, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA

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Abstract Submission

We have extended the deadline for abstract submissions and will accept submissions until March 26th, 2019. The entire abstract should have a maximum of 1000 words. Please use Times New Roman Font 12 for the entire abstract.

The first author of the research is considered the primary author and must present. One person may be the primary author for a maximum of 3 abstracts. However, only one abstract may be presented as an oral presentation with the other presented as a poster, or both abstracts may be presented as posters.

1. All abstract submissions must include research-based data to allow for a thorough review.

2. Abstracts must contain the following:

  • Title
  • Author(s) – do not include degree acronyms (i.e., BS, MS, Ph.D., etc.)
  • Primary Institution/Laboratory Name, City, State, and Country
  • Body of the abstract

3. The body of abstract should contain the following sections:

  • Keywords
  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

4. Abstracts cannot contain the following:

  • Brand names
  • Advertisements. Research abstracts should be free from solicitations and should not contain demonstrations of products for the purpose of sales. Exhibitor’s tables are available for the purpose of advertisement and sales

5. Abstracts can contain either one picture, one graph, or one table (no combinations)

  • A graph or table must be embedded into the abstract and cannot exceed 1/3 of the page
  • Any graph or table must pertain to the abstract for the purpose of visualizing data and must be referred to in the text of the abstract
  • Pictures, tables and graphs should be no bigger than 4 1/2 in. (W) x 4 1/2 in. (L)
  • Keep in mind that all images will be displayed in black and white

6. Please also provide the following information:

  • Corresponding author(s)
  • Primary/Presenting author's name
  • Primary author's professional mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number
  • Desired presentation format (oral, poster, etc.)
  • Session name
  • Co-authors' e-mail addresses

Please note: the portion of abstract is required for our records, but will not appear in the published abstract and accordingly will not included in word count. Please send your abstract to the ffc@functionalfoodcenter.com via the attached file.

Also note: article submission to the Journal of Functional Foods in Health and Disease is mandatory for the oral presenters.

Click here for the sample abstract.