Functional Food Center Inc.


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Encyclopedia of Functional Foods

We are delighted to announce that our Encyclopedia of Functional Foods will now include all
abstracts and access to all full articles published in FFHD, BCHD, and FFS!

If you would like to receive eBook access to this encyclopedia, please email us at 

Encyclopedia: More Info

Submit Articles in our Journal System

Submit articles in our online journal system at or send an email to

Before submission, please make sure to read all submission guidelines to
increase the chance your article submission is accepted!

How Do I Get Started? 

Before submission, please make sure to read all submission guidelines to increase the chance your article submission is accepted!

You can submit articles in our online journal system at or send an email to

The guidelines can be found here in a March 2021 newsletter: 

or on the submission guideline page

 Submission Guidelines

Our 6th seminar for the Standardized Program is this coming Thursday December 16th, from 9:30-10:30 am PST. Note that this is in Pacific Standard Time; here is a time zone converter you can use to see what time the seminar will be in your time zone:

"How the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis could play a key role in the onset, prevention, and management of Parkinson’s disease and its symptoms"

Request Access to  Zoom Meeting

Print Copies of the FFHD Journal are now available!

Visit our online store to purchase single issues or semiannual versions of the FFHD Journal!

Online Store

Single Journal Issues ($45)

Semiannual Print (6 issues) ($145) 

FFS, FFHD, BCHD Published Articles(October 2021) and Scopus, WoS Updates

December 2nd, 2021

By the FFC Staff

Dear Readers, Scientists, Authors,

We hope that everyone is doing well as we transition into a new season! This past month of October, we published some interesting articles in our three journals.

In total, we were able to publish 8 very strong and interesting articles in FFHD, BCHD, and FFS.

Click the buttons below to read fascinating research regarding functional foods and bioactive compounds.

Functional Food Science (FFS)

The effect of amaranth oil on proteinuria in lupus prone mice by Danik Martirosyan, Jack Hutcheson, Deena Sajitharan, Samantha Williams, Chandra Mohan

Read Here

Vitamin D fortification: A perspective to improve immunity for COVID-19 infection by Sheetal Handu, Shumaila Jan, Komal Chauhan, D.C. Saxena

Read Here

Functional Foods in Health and Disease (FFHD)

Anti-proliferative activity of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) aqueous extracts on human colorectal cancer cell lines by Ali Jason Saleh, Leen Othman, Michel Elchoueiry, Rita Ghanem, Samer Bazzi, Marwan El-Sabban, Roula M Abdel-Massih

                                                                            Read Here

Effect of calafate (Berberis microphylla) supplementation on lipid profile in rats with diet-induced obesity by Carla Guzmán, Raúl Sánchez

Read Here

Health communication to reduce sugar consumption in Thailand by Kanokpong Muangsri, Wittayatorn Tokaew, Supaporn Sridee, Kamon Chaiyasit

Read Here

Review on physicochemical, medicinal and nutraceutical properties of poppy seeds: a potential functional food ingredient by Aleem Muhammad, Aqsa Akhtar, Sadia Aslam, Rao Sanaullah Khan, Zaheer Ahmed, Nauman Khalid

Read Here

Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease (BCHD)

The effect of amaranth oil on autoantibodies in lupus prone mice by Danik Martirosyan, Jack Hutcheson, Deena Sajitharan, Samantha Williams, Chandra Mohan

                                                                               Read Here

Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. anthocyanins prevent lipid peroxidation and improve antioxidant status in the liver of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by Velappan Nair Saralakumari Kalpana, Jincy Mary, Saraswathy Mini, Neelakanta Pillai Padmakumari Soumya, Sukanta Mondal

     Read Here

Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus Journal Citations Update

Using the citation reports provided by Web of Science (WoS), we have been able to monitor and understand the steady growth of the FFHD journal relative to other high-ranking journals featured on Web of Science.

Citation reports generated from Web of Science (WoS) have allowed us to track the growth of our journal FFHD compared to other high-ranking journals available on the WoS. We are pleased to announce that our H-index has increased to 19. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting the growth of FFHD through the years by continuing to read and cite our articles.  Below is an overlook of how much our journal has grown over the past few years.

We are also pleased to share our latest Scopus statistics for our journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 

Scopus Statistics 2020: 


SJR 2020 SCORE: 0.275

SNIP 2020 SCORE: 0.546

We encourage you to visit our journal website,, to read our open access, peer-reviewed articles. If you find anything relevant or valuable to your work, make sure to cite our articles in your own research.

Interested in publishing your research?

Please also consider submitting articles to either the FFHD or BCHD journal!

You are receiving this newsletter because you are a valued member of our academic society and, as such, these published articles. 

Click the buttons below to see more of our published articles or learn how to submit an article!

                           BCHD                     FFS                 FFHD

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