Congratulations to our newest Certified Functional Food Scientists!

Click the ceritifcate to learn more about each CFFS!

Michail Syrpas, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania

Shawn Talbott, PhD, Chief Science Officer, Amare Global, Irvine, CA, USA

Bernard W. Downs, Founder and CEO, Victory Nutrition International, Inc. Lederach, PA, USA

Debasis Bagchi, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, USA

Yan Campbell, PhD, Research Associate, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA.

Uwe Albrecht, MD, Mediconomics GmbH, Hannover, Germany

Ping Ouyang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dietetics, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA

Click this link to see full list of certified Functional Food Scientists and Professionals. 

29th International Conference Discount Survey: ASFFBC Membership, Conference Recordings and Abstract Book

May 10, 2021

By FFC Staff

Last week, we held the FFC’s 29th International Conference virtually, which allowed for people from all over the world to join us in the discussion about how functional foods and bioactive compounds can prevent chronic and viral diseases. 

Please complete this brief survey regarding FFC 29th International Conference discount prices. These discount prices are for the conference abstract eBook, ASFFBC memberships, and the conference recordings. Click the button below to access the survey.

FFC 29th Discount Survey

In light of COVID-19 and other factors that have caused economic difficulties, we would like to help you by making our prices more affordable for you.

The conference abstract eBook and ASFFBC memberships are now available for purchase, and our conference recordings will be available soon. 

Limited Time Offer: ASFFBC Membership Discount

If you purchase membership for the Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in the next 24 hours, you can get 33% off if you use the code ATTENDEE-33 at checkout. To purchase ASFFBC membership, click this button below:

Buy ASFFBC Membership 

To purchase the 29th International Conference Abstract eBook, click the link below: 

29th Conference Abstract Book

If you have any questions about the ASFFBC membership, conference recordings, or conference abstract ebook, or even  inquiries about financial aid, we encourage you to visit our website linked below, message us directly via LinkedIn, or email us at

Become a Certified Functional Food Scientist/Professional TODAY!

If you attended the 29th International Conference, you have earned 15-25 credits towards becoming a Certified Functional Food Scientist/Professional (CFFS/CFFP)

To become a CFFP/CFFS, you must earn at least 60 credits within 3 years. If you already have already earned 15-25 credits, we highly encourage you to check out our options to earn the remaining credits needed for your certification! 

We have recently added a Standardized Program of Study, which is designed to expan you knowledge on functional foods through objective and independent learning based on a combination of general functional foods topics and your specific interests.

Click the buttons below to learn more about our program options!

   Guided Program of Study                                                Standardized Program of Study

Personalized Project Program 

If you complete a Functional Food Scientist certification, you will be added to our Directory of Professionals, which will be a great advertisement for both you and your organization!

Corporate Address: 5050 Quorum Drive, Suite 700, #338 Dallas, TX, 75254, USA
Phone: (619)-642-8088